North Main Business District
The North Main Business District:
The North Main District is from Riverside Drive, up N. Main Hill to Thomas Street. For those wishing to stay up to date on revitalization in the N. Main District, you can follow the Facebook page: Facebook.com/northmaindistrict
The River District Association (RDA) is excited to be piloting an initiative that will bring the revitalization programming that has been successful in the River District to the North Main Business District. The work in the River District will continue with the same energy and focus. RDA will help facilitate community led visions for the North Main Business District, and provide support through existing programming such as the Dream Launch Bootcamp and Pitch Competition, Facade Improvement Grants, and more.
Stay up to date on revitalization opportunities in the N. Main Business District by signing up for the N. Main Monthly Newsletter at: https://bit.ly/ NorthMainNewsletter
The RDA Facade Improvement Grant Program is now open to properties in the N. Main Business District (From Riverside Dr. up to Thomas Street).
North Main News and Updates
Season 2: True North Speaker Series
True North Speaker Series: Juneteenth Event
True North Speaker Series
January 1, 2023 - RDA has hired Lashawn Farmer to manage design and placemaking work in the River District, and revitalization programming in the N. Main Business District. For questions, ideas etc, you can get in touch with here at lashawn@riverdistrictassociation, or 434-791-0210. Learn more about Lashawn Farmer HERE!
October 4th, 2022 - The RDA Facade Improvement Grant Program is now open to properties in the N. Main Business District (From Riverside Dr. up to Thomas Street).
The Façade Improvement Grant Program is designed to assist property and business owners in rehabilitating facades for commercial buildings and businesses in the River District. Positive visual impact stimulates private investment, and complements other community development efforts. We want to provide you with the resources to improve the exterior appearance of your business.
A total of $5,000 is available to be awarded in matching grant funding. Grants are required to have a 1:1 match (50% up to $5,000).
You can read the details and apply by downloading the Facade Improvement Grant application.
For more questions you can also get in touch with RDA Programs and Services Director Design and Expansion, Lashawn Farmer at 434-791-0210, or lashawn@riverdistrictassociation.com.