Events - Tuesday, June 20
River District Golf and Social - Kid's Golf Camp
June 19, 2023
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
River District Golf and Social
680 Lynn Street, Suite C
We are excited to have our first Kids Golf Camp on June 19 to June 22 from 9am-12pm. This camp will be offered to ages 6-12. All participants will receive a t-shirt on the first day!
Our camp will provide golfers with the fundamentals of golf and tools to improve this great game!
Kids must bring their own golf clubs to participate. Lunch will be provided each day. The cost for this camp is $120.
RDA Start-up Slam
June 20, 2023
6:00 PM - 6:00 PM

The River District Association (RDA) is excited to be hosting another session of “Start-Up Slam.” Modeled after a poetry slam, it is a fun community-oriented event where people share a meal, share creative business ideas, make new friends, and network with both creative people and people who support creative people! To register email alyssa@riverdistrictassociation.com, or call 434-791-0210 Those who wish to share their idea have the following guidelines: Ideas must be new business ideas (not yet established). Those who wish to share their idea will put their name in at the door. Up to 15 names will be drawn randomly to present (if more than 15 people put their name in, not all may be able to present). Each presenter has 3 minutes to share one idea. All the info at: https://www.riverdistrictassociation.com/do-business/rda-programs/start-up-slam
319 Lynn St, Danville, VA 24541-1421, United States
Funky's Arcade Bar - PRO Bingo Night
June 20, 2023
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Funky's Arcade Bar
315 Lynn Street
All the INFO