Events - Thursday, February 23
Beginning Clay II - Session 2
February 23, 2023
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Learn to make your own pottery! In this 6-week class, learn hand-building basic forms, wheel-throwing, and the use of studio equipment. Instruction is provided, but students work independently on their own projects. Included are clay, glazing, and firing. Shelf space is provided for your clay, tools, and pieces in progress. Please bring your own basic tools, hand towel, and apron. Basic tool kit (Kemper PTK - the good one!) is available online at https://www.clay-king.com/kemperlist.htm or https://www.amazon.com/Kemper.../dp/B003ZZWGCM/ref=sr_1_2... Seating is Limited. Now includes Open Studio time during business hours. Note: Registration is for all 6 sessions, not individual sessions.
Start-Up Slam
February 23, 2023
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

The River District Association (RDA) is excited to be hosting another session of “Start-Up Slam.” Modeled after a poetry slam, it is a fun community-oriented event where people share a meal, share creative business ideas, make new friends, and network with both creative people and people who support creative people! Those who wish to share their idea have the following guidelines: Ideas must be new business ideas (not yet established). Those who wish to share their idea will put their name in at the door. Up to 15 names will be drawn randomly to present (if more than 15 people put their name in, not all may be able to present). Each presenter has 3 minutes to share one idea. All the info at: https://www.riverdistrictassociation.com/do-business/rda-programs/start-up-slam
136 S Ridge St, Danville, VA 24541-1314, United States