Events - Tuesday, August 16
Beginning Clay I - Session 5
August 3, 2022
5:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Learn to make your own pottery! In this 6-week class, learn hand-building basic forms, wheel-throwing, and use of studio equipment. Instruction is provided, but students work independently on their own projects. Included are clay, glazing, and firing. Shelf space is provided for your clay, tools, and pieces in progress. Please bring your own basic tools, hand towel, and apron. Basic tool kit (Kemper PTK - the good one!) is available online at https://www.clay-king.com/kemperlist.htm or https://www.amazon.com/Kemper-Pottery-Tool-Kit-Original/dp/B003ZZWGCM/ref=sr_1_2?crid=Z7GL6KZDXS9H&dchild=1&keywords=kemper+pottery+tool+kit+ptk&qid=1635560012&sprefix=kemper+pottery+tool+kit+ptk%2Caps%2C894&sr=8-2 Seating is Limited. Now includes Open Studio time during business hours. Note: Registration is for all 6 sessions, not individual sessions.
Beginning Clay II - Session 5
August 4, 2022
5:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Learn to make your own pottery! In this 6-week class, learn hand-building basic forms, wheel-throwing, and use of studio equipment. Instruction is provided, but students work independently on their own projects. Included are clay, glazing, and firing. Shelf space is provided for your clay, tools, and pieces in progress. Please bring your own basic tools, hand towel, and apron. Basic tool kit (Kemper PTK - the good one!) is available for purchase for $24 at Impotters or online at https://www.clay-king.com/kemperlist.htm or https://www.amazon.com/Kemper-Pottery-Tool-Kit-Original/dp/B003ZZWGCM/ref=sr_1_2?crid=Z7GL6KZDXS9H&dchild=1&keywords=kemper+pottery+tool+kit+ptk&qid=1635560012&sprefix=kemper+pottery+tool+kit+ptk%2Caps%2C894&sr=8-2 Seating is Limited. Now includes Open Studio time available during business hours. Note: Registration is for all 6 weeks, not individual sessions.
Ballad Brewing - Snatch the Glass!
August 16, 2022
4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
4pm-9pm: Snatch the Glass! Ballad Brewing (600 Craghead Street)
Danville City Council Meeting
August 16, 2022
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
City Council conducts its monthly business meetings on the first and third Tuesday at 7 p.m. in City Council Chambers in downtown Danville. It is at the first business meeting that most public hearings occur and where Council acts on issues it discussed at the previous month's work session. The business meetings are televised by the local cable provider and may be seen on River City TV. Broadcasts are also streamed live on Facebook.
The public is cordially invited to attend the meetings and work sessions of the City Council. Any person wishing to appear before the City Council may appear at the meeting and present his or her concerns. The Mayor will always ask, prior to any business being conducted, if anyone in the audience has anything they would like to bring to the attention of City Council that is not on the agenda.
Anyone wishing to formally present information to the City Council, particularly presentations which would require Council action, should contact the City Manager's Office at 434-799-5100 or appear in person at the City Manager's Office on the Fourth Floor of the Municipal Building in downtown Danville.
Funky's Arcade Bar - Generations Speed Dating
August 16, 2022
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Funky's Arcade Bar
315 Lynn Street
Join us Tuesday, August 16th at 7pm four our 1st Generations Speed Dating Night! (Ages 45+)
Join us for our first Generations Speed Dating Event, held on August 16th 2022 at Funky's Arcade Bar!
This Event is for women interested in meeting men and vice versa.
Guest will be able to enjoy free snacks and table service while waiting and dating!
Our ladies will be asked to have a seat at one of our dating tables while the gentlemen are handed a number. Gentlemen will start with the table that matches their number and will take about 3-5 minutes with each date and when asked will move to the next table in the number sequence!
Rules for Participation:
Participants must be 45 years old or older and must bring ID with them to the event
All participants are required to book and register in advance, you will not be admitted the night of without your name on our list!
Show up on time
Follow the host instructions, including moving seats when the bell rings, the latter applies to the gentlemen.
Treat fellow participants with respect! - Be polite, non-offensive, and use appropriate language!
Don’t get drunk and become unruly, it’s okay to have a drink but know your limits!