Events - Sunday, August 14
Beginning Clay I - Session 5
August 3, 2022
5:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Learn to make your own pottery! In this 6-week class, learn hand-building basic forms, wheel-throwing, and use of studio equipment. Instruction is provided, but students work independently on their own projects. Included are clay, glazing, and firing. Shelf space is provided for your clay, tools, and pieces in progress. Please bring your own basic tools, hand towel, and apron. Basic tool kit (Kemper PTK - the good one!) is available online at https://www.clay-king.com/kemperlist.htm or https://www.amazon.com/Kemper-Pottery-Tool-Kit-Original/dp/B003ZZWGCM/ref=sr_1_2?crid=Z7GL6KZDXS9H&dchild=1&keywords=kemper+pottery+tool+kit+ptk&qid=1635560012&sprefix=kemper+pottery+tool+kit+ptk%2Caps%2C894&sr=8-2 Seating is Limited. Now includes Open Studio time during business hours. Note: Registration is for all 6 sessions, not individual sessions.
Beginning Clay II - Session 5
August 4, 2022
5:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Learn to make your own pottery! In this 6-week class, learn hand-building basic forms, wheel-throwing, and use of studio equipment. Instruction is provided, but students work independently on their own projects. Included are clay, glazing, and firing. Shelf space is provided for your clay, tools, and pieces in progress. Please bring your own basic tools, hand towel, and apron. Basic tool kit (Kemper PTK - the good one!) is available for purchase for $24 at Impotters or online at https://www.clay-king.com/kemperlist.htm or https://www.amazon.com/Kemper-Pottery-Tool-Kit-Original/dp/B003ZZWGCM/ref=sr_1_2?crid=Z7GL6KZDXS9H&dchild=1&keywords=kemper+pottery+tool+kit+ptk&qid=1635560012&sprefix=kemper+pottery+tool+kit+ptk%2Caps%2C894&sr=8-2 Seating is Limited. Now includes Open Studio time available during business hours. Note: Registration is for all 6 weeks, not individual sessions.
Funky Fiesta Night!
August 14, 2022
6:00 PM - 11:00 PM
315 Lynn Street
Danville, VA 24541
Join us Sunday evening for Funky Fiesta Night!
The Fiesta will start at 6pm! AND RETURN EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT!
Featuring classic and modern latin music that anyone and everyone can dance along to!
Also during the Fiesta we will be running specials on select menu items along with one new item, our Funky Tacos -only available during fiesta events, see the attached flyer for details!
We hope to see all of your beautiful faces Sunday evening during your night out!