And Evening with Clifton Taulbert
June 6, 2023
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Registration ends May 30th!
Clifton Taulbert, an author and entrepreneur businessman, could have failed had he not encountered community builders and entrepreneurial thinkers early on in his life. Through his speaking engagements he shares his philosophy about how supportive culture and community are integral to the success of entrepreneurs.
Join us for 'An Evening with Clifton Taulbert' to learn about "The Entrepreneurial Mindset". Taulbert will share insights gained from his journey as an entrepreneur that each of us can apply to our lives, no matter background or circumstances.
This is a community event open to the public! FREE! (dinner provided)
Registration is required to attend. Link here: https://bit.ly/EveningWithCliftonTaulbert
A very big THANK YOU to this event’s sponsors: The Dan River Region Entrepreneur Ecosystem, Danville Regional Foundation, The Danville Office of Economic Development and Tourism, and The Launch Place.
Organizational support by Danville Pittsylvania Chamber of Commerce, River District Association