Bingo at the Bistro
November 2, 2022
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
The Golden Leaf Bistro (215 Craghead Street) will now hold Bingo the first Wednesday of every month!
•Set Times
-The first set will begin at 5:30pm and the next at 7:30pm.
-To qualify to participate, you must have a $15.00 minimum ticket. This can include any adult beverages, regular beverages, appetizers, entrees, and desserts.
-The sets will be held in the bar area or patio depending on weather, you may sit at the bar or high top tables around the bar. Seats are limited and we will not reserve tables. So, first come first serve!
•Included In Sets
-Each set will contain 10 different bingo games. Each page has 3 cards of bingo, you will use all 3 each game. This increases your chance to win!
-We will have bingo dabbers for sale at $5.00 per dabber, this does not count towards your $15.00 minimum purchase. We will also have extra tickets for sale, those who purchase this get an extra game of bingo and the chance to win a dinner for two at The Golden Leaf Bistro.
-There will be a prize given to the winner of each game. Prizes can include gift cards, coupons, and sponsored gifts.
*If you have any questions please contact Hailey Doss hdoss@plandsva.com, Allie Gentry allie@goldenleafbistro.com, or The Golden Leaf Bistro (434) 791-3191
The Golden Leaf Bistro is overwhelmed with the continuous support we have received for 9+ years.