Smokestack Improv - Open Rehearsal
August 31, 2022
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Have you seen one of our shows and thought, "I could do that!"? Now is your chance! Come and try improvisational comedy in a safe setting!
Want to try improv for yourself? Are you looking to join the Smokestack Improv cast? Do you just want to have some fun playing improv games? Come out Wednesdays in August starting August 17 and PLAY with us! This will be an informal event meant to introduce you to Improv and other people interested in doing improv. No pressure! If you just want in on the fun with no intentions of ever performing that's okay too! Registration is required by all new attendees. (If you have registered for a prior Smokestack Improv-Open Rehearsal, you can skip the registration by emailing josh@thesmokestack.org and letting him know you are coming) Come to 1...2...or all 3! Bring friends! Over 18 only and please expect adult content.
This is NOT a show. If you are looking for the next Smokestack Improv show stay tuned!
If you have any questions please email info@thesmokestack.org