Ballad Brewing - BrewU
August 26, 2022
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Class is in session! Our Head Brewer Chris will be teaching 4 classes on brewing beer. Starting with the ingredients we put into beer, and ending with the process from raw ingredients to beer in your glass. Each class is $10 per person and includes 4 beer tasters that correspond with the discussion of the evening. Attend one or all 4 of our classes! Grab a ticket the night of, or purchase in advance through our website.
1- Friday, July 8th at 6pm - MALT
We will go over adjuncts, sugars, and mash. This will be a review of the range grains we use, and more importantly, WHY we use them. Color, flavor, mouthfeel, and more come from the mashing process, and we will tell you how!
2- Friday, July 29th at 6pm - HOPS
You will be able to get hands on with some of our 30+ varieties of hops. We'll go over all of the many uses for hops and some of the current research being done to get even more out of them.
3- Friday, August 26th at 6pm - YEAST
We will get familiar with the microscopic organisms that actually create the alcohol. We'll introduce you to the strains used in fermenting your favorite beer: how we grow them, store them, and keep them fed!
4- Friday, September 16th at 6pm - GRAIN TO GRASS: BREWING & PACKAGING
In this class, we will combine the previous three lessons and guide attendees through the process from raw ingredients to beer in your glass!