Maple the Moose Goes to Sleep Away Camp
July 4, 2022
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Sign out our stuffed Summer Reading mascot Maple the moose for a sleepover at your home this summer. Pick up Maple and his backpack full of fun activities for you and Maple to enjoy together.
- picture books
- craft supplies
- family games
- and more!
Register for a two day moose-loan by visiting the "Summer Reading 2022" page on our website or by clicking on the link below. https://www.danvilleva.gov/2355/Summer-Reading-2022
You may also call (434) 799-5195 or visit the second-floor service desk to reserve Maple.
Pick up Maple during library business hours at the 2nd floor service desk throughout months of June and July. Ages 0-10.