Dream Launch Bootcamp
River District Association
Contact: Diana Schwartz
CEO, River District Association
Cell – 352-895-8898
Monday, November 11, 2024
For Immediate Release
River District Association announces changes in Dream Launch Bootcamp. Registration Now Open for The Gauntlet Business Program provided by The Advancement Foundation in new partnership with RDA.
RDA pivots to new provider for their annual bootcamp classes, and local pitch competitions Ignite and Rev-Up will continue forward.
DANVILLE VA – The River District Association (RDA) announced today that registration for their annual entrepreneur training bootcamp (formerly the Dream Launch Bootcamp) is now open, with a twist - thanks to a new partnership with The Advancement Foundation (TAF). The Gauntlet business program and competition, powered by The Advancement Foundation, will provide the educational component of the program for 2025.
“It has been an incredible experience to offer entrepreneurship education for our local community since 2019, but we recognize that with so many changes in our region and especially our downtown, we need to look at new and more powerful ways to serve our community” said Diana Schwartz, CEO of the River District Association. “When we first began the Dream Launch Bootcamp program, there were not as many organizations to support small business start-up initiatives as there are now. We never want to duplicate existing resources, and in this case, partnership with existing organizations that specialize in entrepreneur training and support makes the most sense - and brings even more resources to the table,” said Schwartz.
The Gauntlet business program will provide bootcamp workshops and training this year. While there is normally a fee to participate in The Gauntlet business program, those with a Danville or Pittsylvania County zip code will not be required to pay to take classes this year as class fees for local participants are covered by RDA, with collaborative assistance from TAF.
TAF also offers another pitch opportunity separate from Ignite and Rev-Up for those that complete The Gauntlet business program in 2025.
“Even though we will not be providing the education/bootcamp component of the program this year, we will still be moving forward with our annual RDA Ignite pitch, and our partners at the Danville/Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce will also continue the Rev-Up Pitch. Those that complete The Gauntlet bootcamp in 2025 (or those that have a certificate of completion from any past Dream Launch bootcamp programs) will still be eligible to pitch in DPCC Rev-Up or RDA Ignite at no cost, and anyone that completes The Gauntlet Business Program class will also be able to pitch for funding through The Gauntlet pitch (for a small fee) as well, so now there will be three opportunities to pitch if you complete the entire series of classes.” Said Schwartz.
Christy Harper with the Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce is also excited to share the changes, and for the 2025 Rev-Up program. “The Rev Up Entrepreneur Program has made a significant impact in Danville and Pittsylvania County, awarding $222,000 to 22 local businesses—nineteen of which continue to thrive today. This program is a testament to the resilience and dedication of our entrepreneurs, fueling long-term growth and strengthening our community's economic foundation” says Harper, “We will be sharing more information about DPCC Rev-Up in the coming weeks, and Rev-Up Pitch registration will open in April 2025”.
Another boost for participants this year is more opportunities to develop a more personalized business plan. The Gauntlet program offers even more small-group instruction to develop your business plan. The former Dream Launch bootcamp program was a 6-week program meeting once per week, while The Gauntlet program is a 10-week program that offers participants additional voluntary opportunities beyond the classes. In addition, mentors are assigned to participants during the business program classes instead of only the pitch portion at the end of the bootcamp. All classes will still begin in January, and all classes are held virtually.
“Collaborations like this one with Danville and Pittsylvania County build upon the strengths and resources everyone brings to the table in order to build an entrepreneurial ecosystem that benefits and strengthens our entire region.” said Becky Freemal, The Advancement Foundation’s Board Chairwoman. "The Gauntlet has grown to become Virginia’s largest business program and competition with more than 1,000 entrepreneurs realizing their dream of business ownership while helping to build the economic strength of entire communities. We can’t wait to meet this year’s innovators. It is an absolute honor to be a part of their entrepreneurial journeys.”
The Gauntlet Business Program Classes will begin on January 28, 2025; to learn more about The Gauntlet program and to register for the classes online, please visit https://theadvancementfoundation.org/the-gauntlet
There will be a virtual information session about The Gauntlet available in December, and in mid-January a separate virtual information session will be available for those wanting information to pitch in the RDA Ignite or the DPCC Rev-Up programs. More information about those pitch opportunities, including dates, requirements, and grant awards will be released in the coming weeks.
Funding for the RDA IGNITE Business Pitch and the DPCC Rev-Up Danville Pittsylvania Pitch is made possible by the City of Danville Economic Development office and Pittsylvania County Government. Funding for Danville/Pittsylvania County participants to take part in The Gauntlet Business Program classes in 2025 at no cost is provided by the River District Association in partnership with The Advancement Foundation.
The River District Association was organized in 1999 as the Downtown Danville Association and rebranded as the River District Association (RDA) in 2015. RDA will continue moving forward in the transformation of Danville's River District as a welcoming and lively place for all, while inspiring and influencing social and economic development for the great Dan River Region.
The Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce accelerates business growth by connecting its members to dynamic resources and networks. The Chamber’s number one goal is to help area businesses of all sizes to grow and prosper.
The Advancement Foundation creates bold opportunities to accelerate economic prosperity and equality, serving 35 cities, towns and counties throughout the Roanoke Valley, Shenandoah Valley, Allegheny Highlands and Southside regions. More than 800 entrepreneurs have ignited startups or existing businesses, empowered by the connections and resources of The Advancement Foundation. We welcome the chance to build new entrepreneurial ecosystems, connect epic ideas and share opportunities.