RDA Programs
Start-Up Slam
The River District Association (RDA) is excited to announce the start of a new quarterly program called Start-Up Slam. Start-Up Slam is modeled after a poetry slam, and is designed to bring people together to share creative business ideas. Anyone in the community, ages 5-105 (or more!) are invited to join, enjoy a simple meal, and share great ideas.
RDA GET Boosted
RDA GET Boosted (Growth, Expansion, Training) is a three-part, business assistance program that offers space and opportunity for existing River District businesses to get creative, access expert technical advice, and submit for grant funding to make their creative ideas a reality.
Mornings on Main
River District Association launched this monthly event in order to help build relationships between businesses, provide a space for idea and news sharing, keep businesses up to date on what's happening in the River District, and create a stronger relationship with our city partners. River District Businesses and partners can attend in person, or via Zoom. Meetings are the fourth Monday of each month at 10:00 a.m.
Dream Launch Bootcamp and Pitch Competition
Entrepreneurs seeking to open brick and mortar businesses in the River District in Danville, VA may register for the program and will be required to attend all sessions of our ‘Entrepreneur Boot Camp’, an intensive workshop that will meet once per week for 6 weeks beginning in January, to teach participants a full slate of skills and information that business owners need. Participants that complete boot camp may then elect to participate in the IGNITE Pitch Competition to compete for cash and other incentives. Once the pitch is complete, the entrepreneurs that successfully present the most viable and sustainable plans, including capital investment and job creation, will be chosen to move forward in opening their business. RDA will stay involved with the selected businesses, assist with summer grand openings, and match them with mentors in the community. The application for the 2023 Dream Launch program will open in the Fall of 2023.
IGNITE Pitch Competition
The River District Association IGNITE Business Pitch (formerly the Dream Launch Pitch Competition) is open to businesses who have completed all six classes of the Dream Launch Bootcamp, and wish to open a brick and mortar business in the River District.
Entrepreneurs wishing to participate in the Ignite business pitch - including years past Bootcamp participants with a "Certificate of Completion'' - may submit their pitch application each year after the Dream Launch Bootcamp is complete.
River District Façade Improvement Grant Program
This program is designed to assist property and business owners in rehabilitating facades for commercial buildings and businesses in the River District. Positive visual impact stimulates private investment, and complements other community development efforts. We want to provide you with the resources to improve the exterior appearance of your business. Click the title above to download an application.
E-Ren: E-Commerce Renovation Program
Today more than ever, consumers are spending time online surfing, shopping, working, and playing. Local businesses with a strong online presence are at an advantage to compete in this new marketplace that we are learning how to navigate each day. Contact us to learn more about participating in the E-Ren Program.